Jaume Albert Marti

This rad image series (Ratón Salvaje) from Spanish photographer Jaume Albert Marti reminds me of unhinged childhood excitement. To burst at the seams. Not so much the hardened souls minding their booths, but the cool night, wild typography and coloured lights all take me back if only for a moment, to a non adult life. […]

Ryan D Anderson

I recently stumbled across the work of Ryan D Anderson from Vancouver and was just about instantly hooked, mostly with that show me more, show me more – type feeling. Gentle soothing sounds, earthy palette and a retro comic book finish, all equate to simple pleasure. It was on the gram when Goober first appeared, […]


Looom, not a typo, this wonderful app deserves the extra ooooh. I remember reading about Looom before it was released and then following along when it did become available, only to then realise that my ipad was so old that the app would not function, major doh. Then Covid, lockdown, new iPad for mind maintenance […]


Seems an appropriate time to remind ourselves that we all share that little blue dot. Awe and wonder need restoring.

Elementor Showcase 2021

Very proud to have made the top 10 in the Elementor End-of-Year Showcase for 2021. Earlier in the year the Grenade Studio folio website made the Elementor best of August 2021 list. It was then shortlisted for the End-of-Year top 30 and has come in at 8th position, making the top 10. Featuring great design […]

Seeing the Invisible

Open all the way through until August 2022, the truly awesome Seeing the Invisible augmented reality exhibition can be seen at 12 botanic garden sites in 6 different countries. If there is a location near you, then go – it’s a real treat. Melburnians get to choose between The Royal Botanic Gardens and Cranbourne Botanic […]

Gerwyn Davies

Australian artist Gerwyn Davies looks to be having a heap of fun with his art. Is it performance?, costume?, photography? it’s all of these things and more. I truly admire how far Gerwyn is exploring his concept. To quote from his website (where you can see many more fantastic images) – “these works explore the […]

The Alternative Limb Project

What an amazing project. The Alternative Limb Project was founded by Sophie de Oliveira Barata who seems to have found an very special little niche. By using the unique medium of prosthetics, highly amplified wearable art pieces are created that no doubt bring an incredible sense of self to the user. I was overwhelmed on […]

Philipp Merkelbach

Loving the work of multidisciplinarian artist Philipp Merkelbach. Quite an experimental, otherworldly feel, peppered with great composition and colour, I especially like his numinous machine orbs – nft’s which you can also collect on hicetnunc. Plenty to see at his great website which includes a trippy homepage.


As a young kid I had a periscope made from cardboard and a small mirror. I could look over the neighbours fence and spy on my brothers around the corner, it was awesome. I also love the ocean, so no wonder I was drawn to Australian Joel Adler’s Viewfinder sculpture. The angled mirror allows the […]