The Brownbill Effect

Sally Brownbill of The Brownbill Effect is a bundle of both energy and knowledge. Makes sense that her website would be jam packed with advice, interviews (in the form of conversations), Sally’s insights, a photographers assistant directory and an even more extensive creative directory where potential employers can browse through a broad range of directory members with skills ranging from audio engineers to creative directors to stylists to photographers. A hive for creatives. The previous website had lost it’s buzz, was no longer operating as required, felt a bit tired and was becoming difficult to maintain. The new fully responsive WordPress based website is a complete rebuild, and whilst the layout was not changed a great deal, numerous major improvements were made such as post filtering on the creative directory page to allow for much faster viewing and selection of directory members. And Sally reckons the new animated waves are just swell hehehe, the buzz is back. Also included is a page dedicated to her growing podcast collection, video interviews and an e-commerce solution to sell her new book in both hard cover and downloadable pdf format. A directory pixelshifter is proud to be listed at. Website built with Elementor for WordPress and implemented by pixelshifter.

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