Julien Pacaud

Julien Pacaud from Paris, France puts together beautiful collage images. I have always been a fan of collage type design work, ever since Terry Gilliam’s awesome work on the Monty Python titles and sequences way way back then. As I child I remember thinking they were truly awesome and a lot of fun. Making something new of found objects, telling a new story. Julien’s work has a more polished finish and stronger design aesthetic. I like it, and Julien I wish you well on your time travel quest. You can fin many more images on Julien’s website.

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Blob Opera

I just spent both an enjoyable and unthinkable amount of time playing on this piece of coding genius from google labs.

Accelerated Expressions

All graphics are procedurally generated in real time, no post-editing.

Andreas Levers

The air seems so crisp in these images, inspires me to get up for an early morning walk.


The folks at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zurich have developed the Cubli.

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