Have always loved the idea of ambient sound, maybe it stems from canned laughter and street sounds. What is music? Sound artist Yuri Suzuki has created what he refers to as a “sound conditioner”. Love this, and so well executed. Strangely I thought the unit was very much larger until the human hand is seen in the video. It would look fabulous at any size. Could hear myself playing on this for hours. Some other interesting projects can be seen on his very tidy website. Sound as medium.

The Ambient Machine
The Physical Value of Sound

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Old School

Well look what I just stumbled across. My old flash website on YouTube.


Great project by Gianluca Gimini from Italy.

Iceland for Two

It has been a lifelong dream of mine to have a white Christmas.


To use words of his own, “The result is beautiful imagery both abstract and very real.” So true.

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