Wayne Sorce

From Joseph Bellows Gallery in California, Urban Color by Wayne Sorce. An amazing collection of photos from the late 70’s and early 80’s in both Chicago and New York City. Never ceases to amaze me how much detail (film vs digital) is held in these older images. Whilst technology and resolution have come a long long way, there is definitely warmth and honesty in these colourful shots. Super. You can see more images here.

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Well here is a can of worms. Fun and frightening all at the same time.

Low Earth Orbit

Realtime tracking of all of the low earth orbit (LEO) objects currently in position around our earth.

The Big Fizz

Well the ISON comet fizzed. The chances did look slim. Hooray for dreams.

Andrés Reisinger

Could live in the Metaverse.

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