One Stone


Occasionally while wondering about the interweb you may be fortunate enough to stumble across some work that really appeals. The sort of content that only a vehicle such as the web seems possible of providing. An individual that confidently let’s you know how he see’s the world, through his output.

Daniel Eatock has my admiration, for I thoroughly enjoy the way he see’s the world. I often return to his website to see what he has been up to. An ideas man, a collaborator, full of suggestion, oddity and wit. Delving in will almost definitely put a slight spin on the way you view the world. The world needs more Daniels.


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Cory White

Oz as mate.


Well here is a can of worms. Fun and frightening all at the same time.

Angus O’Callaghan – Melbourne

Brilliant photography from an era passed, from about the time I came into this world, ’70 to be known.

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Responsive web design. What is it? Ideally it provides an optimal viewing experience.

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