Xavier and Daniel Cardona form Spain are the team behind Boldtron (what a fab name). Digital artists specialising in 3D, CGI, VR and AI – and top of the heap in my humble opinion. A touchy and sensitive area for creatives given the newness and threatening nature of AI, I have a curious interest in these new tools and their potential. Krea-Ai seems to be their most favoured tool, but they have used Comfy-Ui, RunwayApp, Sora-AI, Magnific-AI and Dal-E tools in their experiments and collaborations. Whilst I have seen many similar types of generated image output, it seems proof to me that the final output comes from not just the tools, but the skilled and knowledgable operators. Their output just drips with gorgeousness, my jaw drops and I’m not sure why. The “training” of data sets and the variations that AI image tools can create seem to be the new mystery. See below for some favourite stills, you can also view both their Visiomaths and The Vault of Wonders – Chapter 1 projects at daily.xyz – the videos are remarkable. Also plenty more to see and discover on the Boldtron instagram page.

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Looom, not a typo, this wonderful app deserves the extra ooooh.


pixelshifter animates too. Finally got around to putting an animation showreel together.

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