
Well I’m off to the Oscars. No not really, but sort of in a tiny obscure imaginary way. Pretty keen on the flicks, watched Room the other night, fully brilliant. Powerful tale that highlights the strength of a relationship between parent and child. Left me with that satisfying reminder of why you love cinema. Brilliant […]

Jamie Zuverza

Super ace colour and composition on these great gig posters from Jamie Zuverza. Double like.

Scott Patt

One of my favourite art finds of last year. During 2014 Scott Patt undertook a painting-a-day project entitled Bigger. Smaller. Funnier. which culminated in an exhibition at Winston Wächter Fine Art in NYC. The small, colourful almost childish looking paintings often have me laughing out loud. Often just a simple play on words, I can’t […]

Thomas Dagg

The new Star Wars film came out and all the humans (well it seems most) ran out to view. I enjoyed the film a great deal. It managed to take me to a place where I could imagine a non earth life amongst the stars, which is all I hoped for. It reminded me of […]

Japanese Youth in Revolt

You don’t usually associate reckless teenage abandon or punk ethos with the Japanese. So neat and polite, however all teenagers rebel. Great images from 1964 Tokyo by Time photographer Michael Rougier of a bitter post war minority rebelling against the mainstream.

Kate Banzai

Latest art crush! Kate Banzai’s work has been appearing here and there in Melbourne recently, maybe much further back, but only just popped up on my radar. Striking. Bold colour and a real experimental feel. You get the feeling she really enjoys her work, and so she should. Makes me happy and curious for more. […]

Nathanael Turner

LA based photographer Nathanael Turner has plenty of interesting composition and colour going on, all wrapped up with a certain attitude. Like stills…


You don’t seem to see these sort of fun little internet toys as much as you used to. Maybe most of them existed in the now defunct…


Love this project by Canadian based, Japanese designer Oki Sato. Beautifully designed set of 9 chocolates. The same chocolate is used in each…

Angus O’Callaghan – Melbourne

Here’s a kickstarter project worth backing, I did. Brilliant photography from an era passed, from about the time I came into this world…