pixelshifter designs and builds websites and digital solutions that breathe life and simplicity into your online presence. Melbourne-based and founded in 2000 by Scott Ritchie, pixelshifter has worked with clients in the media, entertainment, property, consumer products, technology, health, government, hospitality, legal, arts and fashion industries.

As a small, independent company, pixelshifter builds long-term client relationships by working closely and collaboratively.

The aim is always to create an engaging, memorable and intuitive online experience using clean, solid design and technological expertise.

Nowadays, pixelshifter prefers WordPress, the internet’s most widely used content management system. WordPress is secure, functional, accessible, adaptable…and great friends with Google. The Elementor page builder is now the preferred tool of choice for building robust responsive webpages more quickly.

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Let’s talk.

10 Leading Web Creators Share Their #1 Tip


Constantly inspired by nature, weather, art and space travel. Kept curious by close friends, sudoku and humanity, kept grounded by Lee, family and exercise. Enjoys food (Saturday morning breakfast especially), travel, snow, movies, prawns, the great outdoors, home life and is rarely not within reach of best friend and soul being – The Mighty Wonton.